
DPI Required Tests for Early Childhood Special Education and Cross Categorical Special Education Certification

In order to obtain a teaching license in Special Education, Wisconsin DPI requires proficiency in content knowledge  and foundations of reading. Please review each area below to understand how proficiency can be met:

Content Knowledge - Students must demonstrate proficiency in content knowledge related to their certification area(s). Proficiency can be demonstrated by either:

  • 3.0 GPA or higher in language arts, math, science, and social studies courses as demonstrated on official transcripts (courses not related to these subject areas will not be considered); or
  • Praxis II - Passing scores as established by the State Superintendent on content knowledge exams for certification in Early Childhood or Cross Categorical Special Education.

Foundations of Reading- The Wisconsin DPI has approved an alternate assessment for the Foundations of Reading Test for the Educate-WI 10 Sped Program. The alternate assessment is built into the required program coursework. Students who pass the course do not need to register and pay for the Foundations of Reading Test through Pearson. There is no additional cost for the FoRT Alternate Assessment when taken through the Educate-WI 10 Sped Program.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you register for these tests, please include Educate-WI as a recipient of your test scores. The institution number for Educate-WI is #1390.

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